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Sorry for the Inconvenience

You are here because Twitter requires a URL even when you're only registering a bunch of scripts for private use. Right now there's nothing here to be downloaded or viewed.

So what's this "dozytweet" thing anyway?

I spend a lot of my waking hours working in consoles and terminals, as well as using a text editor called Vim. Hence a text-based Twitter client that can be used from that workspace seemed like a natural choice.

Up until recently I had a collection of bash scripts that piped stuff to and from apps like curl, xmlstarlet and the sqlite3 commandline client. Those scripts used basic HTTP authentication when connecting to Twitter.

On 2010-08-16 Twitter switched off basic auth and all 3rd party apps connecting to Twitter via its API had to begin using OAuth or else ...

In order to use OAuth you have to register an app with Twitter and obtain lots of gobbledigooky tokens and secrets and whatnots. You also have to give them a URL. That's why you're looking at this now.

dozytweet is written in Perl and uses Net::OAuth for the crypto/signature stuff. Other great modules in use include LWP::UserAgent, URI::Escape, XML::Twig, DBI, Term::UI, Term::ReadLine, DateTime, DateTime::Duration and Encode.

The kitchen sink from the CPAN is also lurking somewhere.

What can it do?

Currently the contraption can send status updates (aka "tweets"), @replies, retweets, direct messages, create or destroy friendships and block spammers.

It can also upload pics to Twitpic and send an accompanying tweet to Twitter.

Replies and retweets require a terminal with mouse support (or a user with good readline skills).

It can also download and parse home timeline, @mentions, direct messages and "lists". Screenshot

Cursor-based pagination is still a work in progress -- mostly thanks to Twitter's inconsistent implementation of the concept. Currently dozytweet can download the so called home timeline via a cron job, and deliver my friends tweets from while I was sleeping to my inbox. Try doing that with one of the AIR based GUI contraptions such as TweetDeck.

What about search?

dozytweet can do totally involved searches and output them in sets of selectable size. Twitter search as a god loving citizen of the shell!

Things it (probably) won't ever do

The "account" stuff. i.e. uploading background graphics and avatars, changing profile info etc.. But then, of course, never say never ...

I may post some stuff here once I consider the code a bit more presentable than the pile of Spaghetti it currently is. Follow me on Twitter and you'll be the first to know.

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